Open to members and non-members Wednesdays at 12:15 pm in March.
March 1: Dr. Sharon Rubin: What You Don't Know About the Queens, Esther and Vashti: A Deep Dive Into Purim
March 8: Dr. Jacob Ari Labendz: Jewish Studies on Campus in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities
March 15: Jason Okin: I am a Child of the Fifties: Looking Back with Hindsight
March 22: Susan Sorkenn: The Story of Cynthia Hesdra, Ex-Slave, Wealthy Entrepreneur, and, with Her "Hebrew Mulatto" Husband, Edward, Conductor on the Underground Railroad: Why is Cynthia Buried in Mahwah?
March 29: Cantor Olivia Brodsky: Cantillation with Our Cantor: Understanding Those Torah-Reading Melodies