Cantor Educator Nancy Dubin
Cantors sing on the bima, and I have always loved to sing, but to me, being a cantor is much more that. Being a cantor means teaching, listening, and counseling. As a cantor I have since had the opportunity to stay with congregants and their families over weeks, months, and years, developing a community based on relationships; I enjoy discussing questions about love, life, spirituality - the big questions that matter. Being a cantor is not just singing; it is celebrating, mourning, and worshiping; it is building community through attentiveness and patience, helping people feel welcome, and providing them the tools to feel at home.

Cantor Nancy Dubin is originally from Fair Lawn. She graduated from Fair Lawn High School, and after two years at Brandeis as a music major, she came home and graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She worked for 16 years as a registered nurse, starting in pediatrics and moving to orthopedics and emergency medicine. Her last position was in charge of a Med/Psych unit and moonlighting in a neuro ICU.
Cantor Dubin was 40 years old when she moved to Israel with her family. In Israel she was finally able to merge her love of music with her love of community and connection. She started Cantorial School with Hebrew Union College, and of course the learning continues today.
Cantor Dubin’s biggest goal is to create a warm, inviting community where no one feels ashamed because of what they don’t know, while celebrating the educational wins whenever they come. She encourages both parents and students to continue to learn and she will go to great lengths to make sure that diverse learning styles are celebrated.
Excited to be the newest leader of TBR's long-established religious school, Cantor Dubin brings a fresh energy and enthusiasm to the role. She is already at work fostering community connections while ensuring that the Addison M. & Elizabeth Opper Religious School continues to provide Judaic growth and learning.
To learn more and to hear vocal recordings of Cantor Dubin, please visit her website: cantornancydubin.com